ComLink v2.0 lt for Centipede Lite By Adam Fanello of Bugsoft July 2,1997 (Lite update: January 20,1998) ComLink is a centralized, message-oriented network for Commodore BBSs. Entire message categories are sent to a central HUB which distributes the messages to all nodes in the Link. E-mail can also be sent to any user on any node in the Link. The entire transfer is done in only a few minutes, with a single call from your BBS to the Hub system. In order to use the ComLink system, you must subscribe to the Hub service. The price is kept low, running about the same price as a magazine subscription. With a magazine, you receive information once a month. With ComLink, you receive and send information every day! It's quite a deal! See the file "subscribe form" for details on how to subscribe. SECTION 1: Program Code Installation ComLink comes pre-installed on Centipede Lite systems. You may rename the "scr.wait4call-0" file to have a different ending character, thus changing the hotkey that is used to activate a call to the Hub. This can be changed at any time. SECTION 2: System Configuration NOTE: Do not configure ComLink until you have subscribed to the service and received your node number and password! Enter SysOp Maintenance and select the ComLink submenu. Select the (C)onfig command to configure your ComLink parameters. The following is a detailed description of each parameter: ComLink Node Number: This is your node, or account, number on the 'Link. It is assigned to you by the LinkOp (Link Operator) when you become a member. Simply enter that number here and hit RETURN. Enter a node number of 0 (zero) to disable ComLink. ComLink Node Password: All passwords are EXACTLY five characters. When you subscribe, your password is assigned to you. Enter your password here. It will automatically be converted to upper-case. Start Calling Hub At: This is the start of your networking window. The Hub is online from 11 PM to 6 AM Pacific Standard Time. You should place your network window between these hours. Calling the Hub during any other hours will result in an extra five second delay after connection, as the Nature Reserve BBS switches over to the Hub system to handle your call. You cannot start your window earlier than 0, which is midnight local time, or later than 11 AM. Quit Calling Hub At: If the Hub or your BBS is busy at the start of your networking window, your BBS will attempt to call the Hub at the interval of your idle script, until it either connects or the hour in this parameter is reached. This time is actually the hour in which the BBS will stop trying to call, not the last hour to keep trying. If you set this number to 5, the last time your BBS will try calling as at 4:59 AM. The window cannot be set to close past 12 (noon). Hub Call Baud Rate (1200-230400): This is the baud rate at which to call the Hub. At the time of this writing, the Hub is run on a 14400 bps modem and this parameter works best set to 19200. When everything is correct, save your parameters. Section 3: Category Setup. When you subscribe to ComLink, you will receive a list of ComLink category subjects and their network category number. If you do not wish to receive any particular category, send e-mail to the LinkOp asking that the category not be sent to your BBS. You must add these categories to your BBS. Since Centipede Lite does not support multiple message boards, you will have to fit all of your local and ComLink categories into a single board. Please make it clear to your callers in the category names as to which categories are a part of ComLink and which are local. Please refer to your Centipede manual for information on how to use the bbs-setup program to edit your message board categories. Don't forget to assign the proper network category numbers. SECTION 4: Using ComLink. ComLink fully integrates into your BBS by using the networking abilities that are built into Centipede. Posting a message to ComLink is done like posting any other message. E-mail is directed to the desired node by use of a node number. Replies are automatically routed to the sender on whichever node the message originated, and e-mail is received by the user alone side any local e-mail. All ComLink messages are saved in files on your Network files location until the system is ready to call the Hub. The Hub is only automatically called once per night. Files are prepared prior to calling, and new messages are distributed into the message boards and mail boxes after hanging up. The time actually spent online is minimized to only a couple of minutes, depending on your baud rate and the amount of message activity on ComLink. Note that public messages are not actually copied to the Network files location until the system is preparing to call the Hub. This gives you and your users the opportunity to edit or even scratch messages after they have been saved, but before they are sent to the Hub. You also have the option to force your system to call the Hub at any time. By default, this is done by pressing the zero key while at the Wait4Call screen. The key press can be altered by renaming the "scr.wait4call-0" file. SECTION 5: Rules of ComLink. Just as you are the SysOp of your BBS, and have rules for your system, I am the SysOp (or LinkOp) of ComLink, and have rules. You may want to post these rules on your BBS someplace for the users to read. 1. No profane language, or highly adult subject matter in public messages. ComLink is rated G. This rule is not open for debate. If you do not feel that you or your users can handle this restriction, please do not join ComLink. 2. Please try to keep discussion of local events and local arguments, in the local message categories. Keep in mind that your messages are being echoed all over across the United States, and that SysOps are paying to receive them. 3. The ComLink network is not to be used for any criminal activity, either by a SysOp or a member of a 'Linked board. Harassment and fraud, even by e-mail, will not be tolerated. As the Link Operator, I reserve the right to drop any node for any reason. A refund of any remaining subscription time is available UPON REQUEST. The same applies if you decide to remove ComLink. I also reserve the right to ban any subject thread. Doing so will prevent any message of the banned thread from leaving the Hub. My liability toward any damages you may incur in usage of ComLink is limited to the funds remaining on your ComLink subscription. Rules will be enforced by myself, Ant, user #1 on Nature Reserve and by my Co-SysOp OWL, user #3 on Nature Reserve. Rule offenders will first receive a kind reminder directly from a LinkOp. Continuous problems will be passed to the node SysOp and you will be expected to handle it. I reserve the right to demand that any user have his or her access to ComLink removed. SECTION 6: Comments. Remember that you are still responsible for all the long-distance charges it will cost for you to call the Hub. Your subscription cost only covers my expenses and time as the LinkOp and author of this system. SECTION 7: Disabling ComLink. If you decide to remove (disable only in Lite) ComLink at any time, you may do so by setting your node number to zero (0) in the Configure option from the ComLink submenu under SysOp Maintenance. SECTION 8: Contacting the Author ComLink was created and is maintained by Bugsoft. Refer to your Centipede manual for contact information. Copyright 1998, Bugsoft -<[ Use your browser's "BACK" button to return to the table of contents. ]>-